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Repair Robot ‘Gundam’ Started working on Japan Railway

Huge body, sturdy robotic arms, blue body paint... Is this look familiar? On closer inspection, this Gundam (Japanese Anime) looking humanoid robot is not...

TikTok has become the world’s “App download king” in Q1 2022

According to a report by market research firm SensorTower, the number of global app downloads in Q1 2022 will reach 36.9 billion, an increase of 1.4...
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Xiaomi seized $725 million by India for violating foreign exchange

Chinese mobile phone maker Xiaomi, which accounts for half of India's smartphone market, has been seized by Indian authorities at $725 million for allegedly...

What are the differences between Amoled and LCD screen?

Whether you choose a smartphone, television or computer monitor, the quality of the screen is one of the most important criteria. Knowing the different...
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EU launches a new social network and video website: EU Voice

Recently, the news that Musk bought Twitter has been buzzing, and the norms of Facebook and YouTube have often annoyed users. Many people have...

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