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Netherlands allocates nearly $1 billion for construction of a gravitational wave detectors

The Netherlands will also join the search for cosmic gravitational waves, and will allocate nearly $1 billion in funding for the design and construction...

Wireless Electricity: US Navy Used Microwave Beams to transmit Energy

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory recently announced that it successfully tested ground-to-ground microwave wireless telex technology in Maryland, transmitting 1.6 kilowatts of power within...
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Ubisoft’s Scalar technology: Better Global collaborative development experience

The 2022 GDC (Game Developers Conference) will be held in March. In the warm-up stage, Ubisoft announced a new support technology, Ubisoft Scalar, which...

How to bypass google recaptcha with easy steps?

I don't know about you, but for me Google's captchas are a nuisance. I can't stand choosing a boat, hydrant or bike 10 times...
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Amazon’s new robot Astro is available for Customers

Astro is much more than an Alexa-equipped wheeled tablet that can follow you anywhere, make video calls, stream music and monitor your home while...

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