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I enjoyed total creative freedom

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Speaking to P2Pah Paul Jr.--who also developed a customized bike for Gears of war 3--reported that Blizzard never tried to constrain in his thoughts about what Horde and Alliance bikes might appear like. Paul Jr. said that the level in freedom is unprecedented even for a popular and respected brand such as World of Warcraft .

"I enjoyed total creative freedom, and that's crazy. The company definitely had better control of the editing aspect of things however, from the norm of the way they presented these they regarded me as a trusted source. Of course, I'm listening to their wisdom and the experience of the guys who created the world since that's where I'm likely take some of the ideas I have from. But at the end of the day, I'm also the person making the final choices. That's a special bond."

"Nobody else is going to make that happen. This is an exceptional situation. Blizzard, as in many of these large businesses, they don't let go of this type of creative control. it's fascinating to watch." he said. "When it comes to it, for them to release that control and let me take control and I'll tell you, it's unusual; no one else does that."

" We seek to identify gifted and brilliant people to allow them to come up with amazing things" -" World of Warcraft designer Brian Holinka

In the case of World of Warcraft game designer Brian Holinka, allowing creative people, whether it's internal developers or external partners -- is not something new and is not a new idea for an Irvine, California developer.

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