May 17 Important Update: Arma reforger is now out. Check out our Arma Reforger: First Impressions article to get fresh information about the game.
Since Bohemia Interactive announced their new game engine “Enfusion”, Arma 3 players are more hyped about a new war simulation game.
After a post from “leaker” appeared on Reddit, who claims to have information and screenshots from the newly prepared Arma Reforger game from Bohemia Interactive. He even talked about the game on his Twitter but after a while, he deleted the tweet and reddit posts. The leakers profile has been also deleted and gone.
Arma Reforger was not supposed be a full-fledged sequel to the popular ARMA series, but a multiplayer project that is not meant to be free-to-play and offers two multiplayer modes. In addition, he claims that the game is only planned for PC and XBOX, PlayStation maybe sometime later.
Our understandings from Arma Reforger so far is that it was a small project to test the Enfusion Engine but it was not launched for players.
Since We can not know what is going on in the company, we can’t surely say that Arma Reforger will not come out.
Arma Reforger is now “almost” Official
Update May 16 2022: So our speculations actually turned out to be correct. Arma Reforger is a real thing. After the leak was shared on Reddit, Bohemia Interactive’s Arma Reforger brand guide is leaked just before the big announcement on May 17. Even though there is a solid leak on the internet about Arma Reforger, We still need a verification from the Czech game studio Bohemia Interactive.

Arma Reforger Brand Guide Leak
There are actually so many thing to talk about in this 80 page Marketing and Brand Guide of Arma Reforger but we will try to cover most important keypoints:
- Arma Games on Consoles: This has been a confusing argument in Arma community for a long time. Arma 3 complexity and hundreds of keybindings are the reason why many hardcore players actually love the game. but We will see how the developers will solve this for consoles…
- Raising Awareness of Arma Games: The company wants to gather a bigger audience via Arma Reforger which will be a softer shooter game unlike hardcore military simulation Arma 3.
- Completely Build on Enfusion: According to the Bohemia Interactive Brand leak, Arma Reforger will be the first time that an Arma game is
built on entirely new technology.
Arma Reforger was Supposed to be Launched end of 2021
According to the “leak” in 2021, supposedly Arma Reforger was coming out by the end of 2021 but so far we’ve heard nothing official about this project. But we know that it exists, Bohemia filed a trademark application for Reforger and it was registered in June 2021.
Can Arma 3 Engine be Replaced with Enfusion?
Arma 3 is a massive game with all mods and DLCs. Replacing the game engine would be an insane amount of work, on the level of just making a new game.
Instead of replacing the game engine for a 10 years old game, it would be a better idea to make a new game and listen to the players wishes. In addition, Replacing the engine may cause so many bugs and glitches that the game could crash every minute.
Hopefully with the new Enfusion Game Engine, We will hear leaks or rumors about the Arma 4 which is already being expected from Bohemia Interactive.
We have detailed articles about Enfusion Engine and Arma 4. If you are an Arma 3 fan, you may want to check these articles as well. I highly advice you to check our Arma 4: Release Date, Trailer and Rumors article to get latest information and news.
(Image Source: Bohemia Interactive)